.. _conf: Configuration ============= Lvcgcn makes use of a configuration file installed in /etc/toros/lvcgcn-conf.yaml It uses the `YAML`_ mark-up language. .. note:: During installation, a sample ``lvcgcn-conf.yaml`` is installed to help with configuration. Keyword Description ------------------- Following is a description of the keyworks that you should configure ``LIGO Run``: A string for the LIGO Run name (O1, O2, O3, etc). ``Catalog Path``: The full path to the galaxy catalog file to retrieve sources. lvcgcnd is set to work with GLADE 2.3. If you want to modify the catalog used, see section :ref:`cat`. ``Catalog Filters``: Parameters to filter galaxy selection criteria. This depends on the particular selection criteria and are used in ``torosgcn.scheduler.generate_targets``. ``Observatories``: lvcgcnd will generate separate lists of targets for each observatory based on what each can observe. This keyword should contain a list and each item should look like the following: .. code-block:: yaml name: OBS01 location: { lon: -64.5467, # degrees lat: -31.5983, # degres height: 1350 # meters } ``DEBUG_TEST``: If ``true`` it will respond to mock alerts (the M-series). It will only send emails to people specified under ``Admin Emails``, but it will upload the targets to the broker website and will backup the files if specified. Settign it to ``false``, will ignore them. ``Email Configuration``: A dictionary with the sender email configuration. It should look like the following: .. code-block:: yaml SMTP Domain: smtp.gmail.com:587, Sender Address: example@gmail.com, Login Required: true, Username: yourUserName, # null if not needed Password: $ecretPassw0rd, # null if not needed ``Admin Emails``: A yaml list with the list of the administrators of lvcgcnd. Admins will be alerted of error when ``DEBUG_TEST`` is set to ``true``. ``Alert Recipients``: A yaml list with the recipient emails that should be notified when an alert is received. ``Broker Upload``: A dictionary containing URLs and credentials to upload targets for different observatories. An example is given below. .. code-block:: yaml site url: https://toros.utrgv.edu/, login url: https://toros.utrgv.edu/account/login/, uploadjson url: https://toros.utrgv.edu/broker/uploadjson/, logout url: https://toros.utrgv.edu/account/logout/, username: admin, password: Adm1nPa$$word ``Logging``: The file path (``File``) and ``Log Level`` (``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``, ``ERROR``, ``CRITICAL``) to be set for logging. ``Backup``: Whether to backup VOEvents and skymap files. .. _YAML: https://yaml.org